Sunday, June 29, 2008


As mentioned in the previous entry.. when i was in japan, during sightseeing around shenba lake, came across this old castle..named kabuntei.. or something as i remembered it. It was built during shogun era. Consists of many rooms for the shogun or dignitaries and the maids or geisha? Have different rooms for different functions. The rooms have sliding doors with paper screen. This was good to notice any would be intruder as the shadow will be reflected on the screen. The way the rooms were arranged in such a way that an intruder will find as if entering a maze... the intruder will easily lost and giving time for the shoguns to take actions. There is also a 2nd floor rooms.. to get upstairs, have to scale up an almost 90 degree stairs. There is also a shaft with pulley mechanism to bring food or other things up and down. There is a big room where the shogun chose the maid he would spend the night with. The garden was very nice like typical japanese garden.

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