After botanical garden, we visited the Tsukuba Space Center at Japan Space Agency (JAXA). Had the opportunity to see life size Japanese rocket HIIB which was used to transport many satelits to the space. The exhibition includes life size rocket engine and life size space laboratory – Japanese module for ISS, which was sent to ISS last February. Had the opportunity to get into the module… minus the zero gravity… Many life size satelits were also exhibited… Japanese astronouts pictures… and space station test building. That is where all those ISS space station labs built by Japanese being assembled and tested… before actually transported to the space.. and.. there was one corner where full scale mock up model of Russian Soyuz was exhibited together with the real re-entry Soyuz bion capsule… looked charred… and burnt.. on the outside surface (picture)… remember the controversial proposal of buying the re-entry capsule of Soyuz TMA-10 ? the re-entry capsule of Sheikh Muzaffar… Japanese keep theirs in this space center… they apparently sent their astronout using Soyuz… paid the full expenses and had the right to keep the capsule…
selamat hari raya (^_^)
wow...mksdnya, pameran tu tunjuk yg betul2 original ke? perhhhh....mesti best tu...tgk pict je pn da terlopong mulut, lg kn yg btol2 dpn mata...
kalau saya la agknye, mau xbalik rmh...i luv all da space matters a lotz...
hmm... original punya... tapi tak leh nak masuk dalam kapsul tu... cuma dapat masuk kat dalam space lab untuk ISS.. real size mock up.. untuk 2 astronout... agak-agak kalau saya dok suruh duduk situ - 1 minggu pun naik boring kut.. sempit... guide tu kata.. astronout selalunya tak boleh nak tentukan mana lantai, mana bumbung.. maklum ler asyik terapung jer... jadi kena tandakan yg bumbung kat penjuru tepi letak lampu, yg lantai yg penjuru tepi letak stripe biru.. disoriented ler tu...
wahhhh~ bestnye....dpt tgk pn da kre best kan...kagum kagum
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